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Students Zone


  • Performance in each course of study shall be evaluated based on (i)     continuous internal assessment throughout the semester and (ii) University examination at the end of the semester. 
  • Each course, both theory and practical (including project work & Viva voce Examinations) shall be evaluated for a maximum of 100 marks. The project work shall be evaluated for a maximum of 100 marks.
  • For all theory and practical courses  including project work, the continuous internal assessment will carry 20 marks while the End Semester University examination will carry 80 marks. Project work may be allotted to a single student or to a group of students not exceeding 2-3 per group.


For all theory and practical courses the continuous assessment shall be for a maximum of 20 marks (consisting of 15 marks for tests/experiments and 5 marks for attendance). The above continuous assessment shall be awarded as per the procedure given below

(a)    Theory Courses:

Three tests each carrying 100 marks shall be conducted during the semester by the Department / College concerned. The total marks obtained in all tests put together out of 300, shall be proportionately reduced for 15 marks and rounded to the nearest integer (This also implies equal weightage to all the three tests).

(b)    Practical Courses:

Every practical exercise / experiment shall be evaluated based on the exercise / experiment  prescribed  as per the syllabi  and  the  records  of work done maintained. There shall be at least one test during the semester. The criteria for arriving at the internal assessment marks (15 marks) shall be decided based on the recommendation of the class committee and shall be announced at the beginning of every semester by the Principal.

 (c) Project Work:

The Principal shall constitute a review committee for each branch of study. There shall be three  reviews  (each 100 Marks) during the semester by the review committee. The student shall make presentation on the progress made by him / her before the committee. The total marks obtained in the three  reviews shall be  reduced for  15 marks and  rounded to the nearest integer.  (This also implies equal weightage to all the three assessments), 5 marks shall be given for Attendance.


Click the following link for University Exam details



  • A candidate shall normally be permitted to appear for the University Examinations of any semester commencing from I semester if he/she has satisfied the semester completion requirements (subject to Clause 6) and has registered for examination in all courses of the  semester.
  • Registration is mandatory for semester examinations as well as arrear examinations, failing which the candidate will not be  permitted to move to the higher semester.
  • A candidate  who has already appeared for any subject in a semester and passed the examination is not entitled to reappear in the same subject for improvement of grades / marks.


  • A candidate who secures not less than 50% of total marks prescribed for the courses with a minimum of 45% of the marks prescribed for the  end-semester University Examination in both theory and practical courses (including Project work), shall be declared to have passed the Examination.
  • If a candidate fails to secure a pass in a particular course, it is mandatory that he/she shall register and reappear for the examination in that course during the subsequent semester when examination is conducted in that course; he/she should continue to register and reappear for the examinations in the failed subjects till he / she secures a pass.
  • The internal assessment marks obtained by the candidate in the first appearance shall be retained and considered valid for all subsequent attempts till the candidate secure a pass.  However, from the 3rd attempt onwards if a candidate fails to obtain pass marks (IA + End Semester Examination) then the passing requirement shall be as follows:
  • The candidate should secure 50% and above the maximum marks prescribed for course in the university examinations alone irrespective of Internal Assessment marks obtained


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