One of the most striking prospects of undertaking CFE’s B.Tech program is that all courses are dealth with by scientists and specialized engineers at CECRI, who possess years of research experience in their respective fields. Thus, our students are exposed to cutting edge- research right at the undergraduate level, taking up projects with various scientists at their own interests. Many students have published their work in prestigious journals such as JPC C, PCCP, Langmuir, JECS, JPS, Journal of metals and alloys, journal of materials chemistry, carbohydrate polymers, IJEST, corrosion science, and engineering failure analysis. This greatly boosts their chances of admission into doctoral programs at top ranked universities directly after the completion of B.Tech. Such a trend is evident with regard to the alumni of CECRI, who have pursued their doctorates at universities like MIT, Oxford, Michigan state, Clarkson university, Rensellear polytechnique, University of Rhode island, Georgia Tech, Max Planck Institute, CSIRO, IISc, Manchester university and Penn state amongst many others. The excellent student-alumni contact is also another motivating factor for the students.