Undergraduate Studies
The centre for education runs a four year/8 semester undergraduate course in Chemical and Electrochemical engineering. Affiliated to Anna University, Chennai, this one of a kind B.Tech program offers the scope for young students to venture into the wide frontiers of advanced chemical and electrochemical technology, with first hand research exposure at the largest electrochemical laboratory in the Asia Pacific region.
The B.Tech program had been designed by a panel of eminent scientists and academic experts in the year 1988, headed by the then Director Dr.Vasu. In the first year, the course covers basic engineering aspects. Important branches in chemical engineering, such as Chemical Process Calculations, Thermodynamics, Chemical Process Technology, Fluid Mechanics, Chemical Reaction Engineering, and Mechanical Operations are dealt with in the second year. In addition, the second year contains an introductory course on the basics of electrochemistry, and also exposes students to the aspects of Organic and Physical Chemistry. The third year continues with the chemical engineering concepts of heat and mass transfer, and then the course moves on to the electrochemical side. Vital branches of Electrochemical engineering, such as Electrodics, Electrochemical Reaction Engineering, Electrochemical Process Technology, Electrochemical Metal Finishing and Corrosion Engineering are covered exhaustively. Important concepts in instrumentation, management and energy technology have also been covered. The final year moves forward with more electrochemical branches such as Electrometallurgy, Electrochemical Material Science, Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Advanced Battery systems. Important keynotes are provided in the field of nanomaterials, professional ethics and Process Dynamics. The course ends with the completion of a specialized research project.
All courses are dealt with by the scientists and specialized engineers at CECRI, who possess years of research experience in their respective fields. They are extremely congenial and student friendly, and encourage the young students to take part in research projects at their laboratories. The exposure to advanced government funded projects at CECRI motivates students take up research as a carrier. Moreover, they get the opportunity to publish their in acclaimed national and International journals right at the undergraduate level. This greatly boosts their chances of admission into doctoral programs at top ranked universities directly after the completion of B.Tech. Such a trend is evident with regard to the alumni of CECRI, who have pursued their doctorates at universities like Oxford, Stanford, and University of South Carolina amongst many others. The excellent student-alumni contact is also another motivating factor for the students.