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FacilitiesCharacterisation and Measurement Lab
last changed 7/2/2015

Characterisation and Measurement Lab is a Central Analytical Instruments Facility which provides specialized analytical services to the R&D projects of CECRI as well as other organizations like academic institutions and industries.Thermogravimetric Analyzer(TGA) Differential Thermal Analyzer( DTA) Elemental analyzer CHNS , High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) Gel Permeation Chromatography(GPC) and Atomic Absorption Spectrometer(AAS) with graphite furnace atomizer attachment are available in this lab.  These analytical instruments are being extensively used to characterize the materials developed for energy and sensors applications. They are also used to analyse the organic compounds including polymers. These analytical facilities are being extended to other academic institutions and industries on payment basis. The details of charges and necessary applications are available in www.cecri.res.in . Two Scientists, three Senior Technical officers and one Senior Technician are working in this lab. One CSIR-Senior Research Fellow is working for his Ph.D degree on the topic,’ Electroanalysis of pesticides”

Facilities Available:

S.No Facility Name Description Technical Details Application Form
1 Gel Permeation Chromatograph /High Performance Liquid chromatograph Shimadzu- Prominence Polymer and Organic compounds analysis Download

GPC Form Download 
HPLC Form Download

2 CHNS Elemental Analyzer-elementar Model Vario EL III Determines C, H, N, S content in solids and liquids Download Download
3 Atomic Absorption Spectrophometer Varian Model SPECTRAA 220 Analysis of metal ions Download Download
4 Thermal Analyser-Simultaneous TGA/DTA TA Instruments Model SDT Q600 Analysis of thermal properties of materials Download Download

Services offered:

i.    Analysis of samples by GPC/HPLC instrument
ii.   Analysis of samples by CHNS analyzer
iii.  Analysis of samples by AAS instrument
iv.  Analysis of samples by thermal analyzer

i. Gel Permeation Chromatograph /High Performance Liquid chromatograph Shimadzu- Prominence



Pump              -  LC-20AD

RI Detector    -  RID 10A

Column-CLC -  Polystyrene

Mobile phases- Water, THF

Injection         -  20µL

Sample           -  Solids, liquids

Software         - LC solutions

Pump             -   LC-20AD

PDA detector -  SPD M20A

Column          -  CLC-ODS-C18

Mobile phases-  Methanol, Acetonitrile, Water

Injection         -  20µL

Sample           -  Solids, liquids

Software         -  LC solutions

This instrument is used to analyse the organic compounds and polymers.

ii.  CHNS Elemental Analyzer-elementar  Model Vario EL III:

Lower detection limit -  0.1 μg for nitrogen, 0.5 μg for C,H,S

Accuracy                     -  0.05%

Analysis time              -  10 to14 minutes

Carrier gas                   - He

Software                      - WinWar

It is used to determine C, H, N, S content in solids and liquids of organic and inorganic samples

iii. Atomic Absorption Spectrophometer Varian Model SPECTRAA 220

 Flame                       -  Acetylene-Air, Acetylene-N2O

GTA                           -  For ppb level analysis

Elements detectable - almost all metallic elements

Sample                     - liquids and  solids (dissolved clear homogeneous solution

Software                   - SpectrAA

It is used to analyse the metal ions concentration in solids and liquids samples.

(iv) Thermal Analyser-Simultaneous TGA/DTA TA Instruments Model SDT Q600

Max. Temp             - 1500oC

Max. Heating rate   - 100oC / min upto 1000oC and 25oC/min above 1000oC

Heating rate            - Programmable- upto 10 different heating rates possible in one analysis

Atomosphere          - Air, Nitrogen

Sample                    - Solids

Software                 - Thermal Advantage

It is used to analyse the thermal properties of materials.

© कॉपीराइट 2012 सीएसआईआर - सीईसीआरआई.
केंद्रीय विद्युतरसायन अनुसंधान संस्थान, कारैकुडी – 630 006, तमिलनाडु, भारत.
फ़ोन: 04565-241241 / 227778 | फैक्स: 04565-227779