Language: English
Functional Materials People in Research Group Research Guidance
Research Guidance
S. No.Name of the ScholarThesis TitleYear of Completion
1 A.KarthikeyaniLuminescence characteristics of europium doped stillwellite, euylitite type compounds2007
2 Dr. A. BurkanudeenStudies on Modified electrodes2000
3 Dr. A. John RethinamStudies on Modified electrodes2001
4 Dr. M. KottaisamyNew Synthetic Strategies for Phosphor Materials1998
5 Dr. M. MurugesanStudies on Modified electrodes2007
6 J.DhanarajSoft-chemistry synthesis of yttrium based luminescent nano-ceramics2006
7 K.A..Z.Syed AbuthahirOpto-electronic properties of Bi2S3,Sb2S3 and PbS (IV/V-VI) semiconductor quantum structures2014
8 K.MarimuthuSynthesis, structural and spectroscopic studies on rare-earth(s) doped apatite, britholite and stillweliite type compounds2002
9 Mr. N. PrabuStudies on Modified electrodes for ORR and alcohol oxidation 
10 Mr. P. AnandhaganeshGalvanic replacement a synthetic strategy for Hollow nanostructures 
11 Mr. P. Arun KumarStudies on synthetic strategies of phosphor materials - based on molecular precursor2013
12 Mr. V. SannasiStudies on synthesis and characterization of New Polymers for Photovoltaics
13 Ms. P. PorkodiStudies on Modified electrodes2013
14 Ms. T. Sridevi KumariStudies on Modified electrodes 
15 S.RadhakrishnanOpto-electronic properties of some lanthanide manganites2014

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