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Functional Materials Milestones / Achievements Publications


S. No.AuthorsTitleJournal NameYearVolumeIssuePage No.
1 Porkodi-P, Yegnaraman-V, Kamaraj-P, Kalyanavalli-V, Jeyakumar-DSynthesis of NASICON-A Molecular Precursor-Based ApproachChem. Mater.200820206410-6419
2 Ragavendran-K, Nakkiran-A, Kalyani-P, Veluchamy-A, Jagannathan-RNickel doped spinel lithium manganate – some insights using opto-impedanceChem. Phys. Lett.20084561-3110-115
3 Annick Goursot, Tzonka Mineva, Sailaja Krishnamurty, Dennis R. SalahubStructural analysis of phosphatidyl choline lipids and glycerol precursors Can. J. Chem.-Rev. Can. Chim.200987401261-1267
4 Radhakrishnan-S, Prakash-S, Rao-CRK, Vijayan-MOrganically Soluble Bifunctional Polyaniline-Magnetite Composites for Sensing and Supercapacitor Applications Electrochem. Solid State Lett.2009124A84-A87
5 Azarudeen-RS, Ahamed-MAR Jeyakumar-D, Burkanudeen-ARAn Eco-friendly Synthesis of A Terpolymer Resin: Characterization and Chelation Ion-exchange Property Iran. Polym. J.20091810821-832
6 Kulkarni-BS, Sailaja Krishnamurty, Pal-SInfluence of plane wave cut-off on structural and electronic properties in Sn-BEA and Ti-BEA zeolite water molecule interaction Chem. Phys. Lett.20104844-6374-379
7 Riswan Ahamed-MA, Azarudeen-RS, Jeyakumar-D, Burkanudeen-ARTerpolymer chelates: synthesis, characterization, and biological applicationsInt. J. Polym. Mater.201060 124-143
8 Sannasi-V, Manikandan-P, Sundararaj-BG, Vijayan-MT, Jeyakumar-D Synthesis of Alternate-block Copolymers of Poly(2,5-dioctyloxy phenylene vinylene)s with Varying Positional Naphthalene MoietiesIran. Polym. J.201019 969-981
9 Kulkarni-BS, Krishnamurty Sailaja, Pal-SProbing Lewis acidity and reactivity of Sn- and Ti-beta zeolite using industrially important moieties: A periodic density functional studyJ. Mol. Cat. A20103291-236-43
10 De-HS, Sailaja Krishnamurty, Pal-SUnderstanding the Reactivity Properties of Au-n (6 <= n <= 13) Clusters Using Density Functional Theory Based Reactivity Descriptors J. Phys. Chem. C201011446690-6703
11 Abuthahir-KAZS, Jagannathan-RReverse-loop impedance profile in Bi2S3 quantum dots Mater. Chem. Phys.20101211-2184-192
12 Ahamed-MAR, Azarudeen-RS, Jeyakumar-D, Burkanudeen-ARTerpolymer Chelates: Synthesis, Characterization, and Biological ApplicationsInt. J. Polymer. Mater.201160 124-143
13 Sannasi-V, Sundararaj-BG, Meenakshi-S, Jeyakumar-DSynthesis, characterization and optical properties of poly(4,4 '-dioctyloxy-3,3 '-biphenylene vinylene) copolymersIran. Polym. J.201120 633-644
14 Arunkumar-P, Prabu-N, Kottaisamy-M, Mujafar Kani-N, Kamaraj-P, Burkanudeen-A, Jeyakumar-DPhotoluminescence Efficiencies of Nanocrystalline versus Bulk Y2O3: Eu Phosphor-RevisitedJ. Am. Ceram. Soc.201194 1627-1633
15 Rao-CRK, Vijayan-M, Shahid Anwar-M, Jeyakumar-DHydrolysis of SnCl2 on polyaniline: Formation of conducting PAni-SnO2 composite with enhanced electrochemical propertiesJournal of Applied Polymer Science2012124 4819-4826
16 Kamalan Kirubaharan-AM, Selvaraj-M, Maruthan-K, Jeyakumar-DSynthesis and characterization of nanosized titanium dioxide and silicon dioxide for corrosion resistance applicationsJournal of Coatings Technology and Research20129 163-170
17 Arunkumar-P, Jayajothi-C, Jeyakumar-D, Lakshminarasimhan-NStructure-property relations in hexagonal and monoclinic BiPO4:Eu3+ nanoparticles synthesized by polyol- mediated methodRSC Advances20122 1477-1485

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