Language: English
Bio-sensors People in Research Group Research Guidance
Research Guidance
S. No.Name of the ScholarThesis TitleYear of Completion
1 A MuthurasuN/A2010
2 D. KaruppasamyGraphene based Materials for Electrocatalytic applications2017
3 Dr.T.V. Vineesh Graphene - based electrodes for electrocatalytic and sensing applications2016
4 Mr. Amit Kumar PatelElectrochemical Biosensors for biomedical applications2015
5 Mr. AnanthuGraphene Quantum Dots2016
6 Mr. R. SathishMicrobial Fuel Cells2017
7 Mr. S.AnandhakumarHybrid Electrochemical Sensors For Environmental Monitoring2014
8 Mr. Sankararao MutyalaNanostructured carbon materials for electrocatalysis and sensor applications2016
9 Ms. AthiraQuantum Dots2016
10 Ms. Jaseela ThasneemElectrochemical Biosensors based on 2D structures2015
11 Ms. Jeethu Jijju2D Nanomaterials for Energy Devices Application2016
12 Ms. O.V. Manila Graphene quantum dots for sensing applications2019
13 Ms. PriyankaGrapehne based materials - Synthesis and Characterization2017
14 Ms. S. ArchanaElectrochemical Biosensors2017
15 Ms. S. PreethiGraphene- based multielectrode array for the multiplexed detection of DNA mutations for the early diagonosis of chronic deseases2016
16 Ms. SangeethaGraphene based electrode materials - Synthesis and Characterization2017
17 Ms. ShyamaSelf assembled Monolayers2016
18 Ms. SivamathiniElectrochemical Sensors for Environmental Applications2016
19 Ms. SivamathiniGraphene-based electrochemical platform for biomedical applications2014
20 Ms. Supriya2D Nanomaterials for Energy Applications2016
21 R. RajaramModified Electrodes as an Electrochemical Sensing platform for the detection of Biomolecules 
22 R.KarthikeyanDevelopment of mediatorless microbial fuel cells using Acetobacter aceti and Gluconobacter roseus as whole cell electrogenic biocatalysts2012
23 T Mary vergheeseSelf assembled monolayers (SAM)-Appilcation towards sensing and molecualr recognition2005

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