Language: English


BACHELORS: Chemistry-1999-Kandaswami Kandar's college, P.Velur, Namakkal

MASTERS: Chemistry- 2002-Sri Ramakrisha Vidyalaya College, Coimbatore

Ph.D: Chemisty-2008- Experimental Work done at CECRI-Karaikudi- as SRF and registered degree received from Bharathidasan University- Trichy

CONTACT DETAILS: ssenthilmugam@gmail.com; ssenthilkumar@cecri.res.in

CONTACT NUMBER: 04565-241563; 9442224914


* Nominated as the “Member” of the Senate Committee of National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research Kolkata as per      Section 3.2 of the NIPER Statues by Department of Pharmaceuticals, Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers, Govt. of India
Nominated as a member of the Senate of Alagappa University under the section of 21(a) class II for a period of three years (2022-2025)
* Worked as a Visiting Scientist, at Professor Fritz, University of Greifswald, Germany during 11/01/2017 to 30/01/2017 under India-DAAD   collaborative project

* Attended on-site training as visiting scientist in Nanoics Imaging Ltd, Hi Tech park, Jerusalem, Israel from 10/04/ 2016 to 14/04/ 2016for scientific and technical discussions on Near Field Scanning Optical Microscopy (NSOM) systems for Tip enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (TERS) applications

* Worked as a Visiting Scientist to Professor Alan Bond, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia during the period from 25/05/2014 to  08/06/2014 under DST-AISRF (Australia India Strategic Research Fund) scheme

* Awarded BOYSCAST (Better Opportunities for Young Scientists in Chosen Areas of Science & Technology) fellowship from Department of Science & Technology, New Delhi for conducting advanced research/undergoing specialized training in the area of “Chemical aspects of nano-materials and nanotechnology” in Professor Allen J Bard, The University of Texas at Austin, USA -2012

* Worked as a Visiting Scientist to Professor Ulrich Guth, Kurt Schwabe Institute for Measurement and Sensor Technology, Meinsberg & Technical  University of Dresden, Dresden, Germany -2009

* Post-Doctoral Fellow, Arizona State University, Mesa AZ (U.S.A)-2008
* Qualified Senior Research Fellow (CSIR-SRF) in April 2006 conducted by Human Resource Development, Government of India.

* Scored 81.68 percentile in GATE-2004 conducted by Human Resource Development, Government of India.

* Qualified CSIR-UGC (NET)-Lectureship in June-2003 conducted by Human Resource Development, Government of India

© कॉपीराइट 2012 सीएसआईआर - सीईसीआरआई.
केंद्रीय विद्युतरसायन अनुसंधान संस्थान, कारैकुडी – 630 006, तमिलनाडु, भारत.
फ़ोन: 04565-241241 / 227778 | फैक्स: 04565-227779