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Chennai Milestones / Achievements Publications


S. No.AuthorsTitleJournal NameYearVolumeIssuePage No.
1 Kalpana-D, Karthikeyan-K, Renganathan-NG, Lee-YSCamphoric carbon nanobeads - A new electrode material for supercapacitorsElectrochem. Commun.2008107977-979
2 Kumar-PR, Kalpana-D, Renganathan-NG, Pitchumani-SPotentiodynamic deposition of poly (o-anisidine-co-metanilic acid) on mild steel and its application as corrosion inhibitorElectrochim. Acta2008542442-447
3 Ganesh-B, Kalpana-D, Renganathan-NGAcrylamide based proton conducting polymer gel electrolyte for electric double layer capacitors Ionics2008144339-343
4 Balasubramanian-A, Karthikeyan-N, Giridhar-VVSynthesis and characterization of LaNiO3-based platinum catalyst for methanol oxidationJ. Power Sources20081852670-675
5 Shanthi-C, Barathan-S, Jaiswal-R, Arunachalam-RM, Mohan-SThe effect of pulse parameters in electro deposition of silver alloyMater. Lett.200862304519-4521
6 Rajasekaran-N; Mohan-SPreparation, corrosion and structural properties of Cu-Ni multilayers from sulphate/citrate bathCorros. Sci.20095192139-2143
7 Saravanan-G, Mohan-SCorrosion behavior of Cr electrodeposited from Cr(VI) and Cr(III)-baths using direct (DCD) and pulse electrodeposition (PED) techniquesCorros. Sci.2009511197-202
8 Ananth-MV, Giridhar-VV, Renuga-KLinear sweep voltametry studies on oxygen reduction of some oxides in alkaline electrolytesInt. J. Hydrogen Energy2009342658-664
9 Karthikeyan-K, Kalpana-D, Renganathan-NGSynthesis and characterization of ZnCo2O4 nanomaterial for symmetric supercapacitor applications Ionics2009151107-110
10 Rajasekaran-N, Mohan-SStructure, microstructure and corrosion properties of brush-plated Cu-Ni alloy J. Appl. Electrochem.200939101911-1916
11 Saravanan-G, Mohan-SPulsed electrodeposition of microcrystalline chromium from trivalent Cr-DMF bath J. Appl. Electrochem.20093981393-1397
12 Selvarani-G, Sahu-AK, Kiruthika-GVM, Sridhar-P, Pitchumani-S, Shukla-AKPEFC Electrode with Enhanced Three-Phase Contact and Built-In Supercapacitive Behavior J. Electrochem. Soc.20091561B118-B125
13 Kalpana-D, Lee-YS, Sato-YNew, low-cost, high-power poly(o-anisidine-co-metanilic acid)/activated carbon electrode for electrochemical supercapacitorsJ. Power Sources20091902592-595
14 Kalpana-D, Cho-SH, Lee-SB, Lee-YS, Rohit Misra, Renganathan-NGRecycled waste paper—A new source of raw material for electric double-layer capacitorsJ. Power Sources20091902587-591
15 Jisha-MR, Hwang-YJ, Shin-JS, Nahm-KS, Prem Kumar-T, Karthikeyan-K, Dhanikaivelu-N, Kalpana-D, Renganathan-NG, Manuel Stephan-AElectrochemical characterization of supercapacitors based on carbons derived from coffee shellsMater. Chem. Phys.2009115133-39
16 Mohan-S, Rajasekaran-NPulse electrodeposition of tin from sulphate bathSurf. Eng.2009258634-638
17 Mohan-S, Vijayakumar-J, Saravanan-GInfluence of CH3SO3H and AlCl3 in direct and pulse current electrodeposition of trivalent chromiumSurf. Eng.2009258570-576
18 Balasubramanian-A, Srikumar-DS, Raja-G, Saravanan-G, Mohan-SEffect of pulse parameter on pulsed electrodeposition of copper on stainless steel Surf. Eng.2009255389-392
19 Ilayaraja-M, Mohan-S, Gnanamuthu-RM, Saravanan-GNanocrystalline zinc-nickel alloy deposition using pulse electrodeposition (PED) technique Trans. Inst. Met. Finish.2009873145-148
20 Mohan-S, Ravindran-V, Subramanian-B, Saravanan-GElectrodeposition of zinc-nickel alloy by pulse plating using non-cyanide bathTrans. Inst. Met. Finish.200987285-89
21 Saravanan-G, Mohan-SStructure, current efficiency, and corrosion properties of brush electrodeposited (BED) Cr from Cr(III)dimethyl formamide (DMF)-bathJ. Appl. Electrochem.20104011-6
22 Karthikeyan-N, Giridhar-VV, Vasudevan-DSurfactant effects on methanol oxidation at Pt-Ru/C coated glassy carbon electrode J. Solid State Electrochem.2010145877-881
23 Saravanan-G, Mohan-SElectrodeposition of Fe-Ni-Cr alloy from Deep Eutectic System containing Choline chloride and Ethylene Glycol Int. J. Electrochem. Sci.20116 1468-1478
24 Rajasekaran-N, Mohan-SEffect of bath temperature on corrosion resistance and structure of Cu-Ni alloy electrodeposited by brush plating method Trans. Inst. Metal Finish.201129 83-88
25 Mohan-S, Saravanan-G, Bund-ARole of magnetic forces in pulse electrochemical deposition of Ni-nanoAl(2)O(3) compositesElectrochimica Acta201264 94-99

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