New Guidelines for admission of College/University students for their Dissertation work at CECRI
The dissertation work should be productive and of good quality & merit. It should help students to improve their subject knowledge and experimental skills. It should facilitate the development of communication and report-making skills. It should increase the research aptitude of the student and to assist the career growth. It should facilitate boosting the scientific image of CSIR-CECRI.
Eligibility :
Candidates should have a consistently good academic record. i.e 70% marks and above in UG and PG( for OBC/BC/MBC/DNC 65% and above for SC, ST 60% and above) and should not have arrear in any subject at the time of applying. (For PG project work, up to first year mark & for M.Phil up to M.Sc final exam would be considered.)
Number of candidates will be fixed depending upon our requirements. Hence, selection will not be automatic by mere fulfilling the eligibility.
Preference will be given to the students with national level Fellowship/ stipend etc.
Area of Research :
Candidates will be allowed to carry out research only in a topic that suits or fits in to the ongoing research activities of CECRI. The following are the major divisions / areas of research activities at CECRI.
* Corrosion science and engineering * Electrodics and electrocatalysis
* Electrochemcial power sources * Electrometallurgy
* Electrochemicals * Functional materials
* Electrochemical materials science * Industrial metal finishing
* Electrochemical instrumentation * Pollution control
* Electroplating metal finishing technology
Candidates should indicate their choice of the area for pursuing their dissertation in the application and should attach one page write-up indicating what he/she wants to do at CECRI and why he/she has chosen CECRI?
Normally, we consider a good number of M.Phil / M.Sc students from the branches of Chemistry and M.E / M.Tech in Chemical /Structural Engineering , Nano Tech., and Material Sciences.
For M.Sc projects, only limited slots are available for the branches of Physics, Nano Sci. & Tech., Material Sciences etc.
For Bio Tech & Electronics related subjects :
Those who wish to do M.Sc project in the discipline of Bio-technology, Bio-chemistry, Microbiology, Marine biology and B.E/ B.Tech Electronics, Instrumentation etc., need not apply.
Candidates belonging to these disciplines will be considered only for M.E, M.Tech, M.Phil projects for the duration of six months as only very few slots are available.
Candidates should strictly adhere to the timings and other guidelines of CECRI.
A minimum of 90 % attendance is mandatory for CECRI to issue completion certificate.
General Details:
Candidates will have to work fulltime in CECRI for a minimum of six months (not less than 125 working days) for M.E / M.Tech / M. Phil and for a minimum of three months [not less than 60 working days] for M. Sc (preference will be given for those who wish to work for 4-6 months).
Candidates selected for M.E / M.Tech / M.Phil will have to present two seminars – First in the initial month when he/she will explain the proposed research activity and the plan for its implementation and the Second will be at the end when he/she will discuss the total findings. The students of M.Sc should present one seminar on his/her project work, covering the principles, experimentation, results and conclusion. The presentation of seminar/s is mandatory to issue completion certificate.
Head of the Institution should forward the applications with duly signed declaration with copies of upto date UG, PG mark sheets, one page write-up and community certificate of the students to “The Director, CECRI , Karaikudi-630 006” on or before November 15 for winter session and on or before March 15 for summer session.
The application & declaration format are given below as link:
Application & Declaration Form
The applications will be scrutinized by a Committee duly constituted by the Director, CECRI and the selected candidates will be notified within a fortnight. The following aspects will constitute the major criteria for selection of candidates:-
Academic accomplishments and attitude of the students will be the primary consideration. The applicants will be graded on the basis of marks secured by them in their qualifying examination.
Selection of candidates will be guided by the availability of slots with scientists and their current field of research.
More number of Institutions/Universities will be accommodated instead of more number of students from a single college.
Candidates selected for doing project work at CECRI, are viewed as ambassadors of their institutions to CECRI. Hence, they should conduct themselves in an exemplary manner. They will be governed by the rules of CECRI prevailing at that point of time. In case of any indiscipline or untoward incident, the decision of CECRI administration will be final.
No fee will be collected , selected candidates need not pay any fee for Dissertation work. ( However they have to pay necessary fee for hostel accommodation, if they avail at CECRI)
Accommodation at cost will be provided in the vacant staff quarters depending on the availability.
वेबसाइट अद्यतन तिथि Feb 11, 2025
© कॉपीराइट 2012 सीएसआईआर - सीईसीआरआई. केंद्रीय विद्युतरसायन अनुसंधान संस्थान, कारैकुडी – 630 006, तमिलनाडु, भारत. फ़ोन: 04565-241241 / 227778 | फैक्स: 04565-227779