S. No.AuthorsTitleJournal NameYearVolumeIssuePage No.
1 Khare, R; Shinde, DB; Bansode, S; More, MA; MajumdGraphene nanoribbons as prospective field emitterAppl Phys Lett20151062 
2 Chandra, A; Deshpande, S; Shinde, DB; Pillai, VK; Mitigating the Cytotoxicity of Graphene Quantum DoACS Macro Lett.20143101064-1068
3 Jaison, MJ; Vikram, K; Narayanan, TN; Pillai, VKElectric field induced transformation of carbon naAppl. Phys. Lett.201410415 
4 Munaiah, Y; Suresh, S; Dheenadayalan, S; Pillai, VComparative Electrocatalytic Performance of SingleJ. Phys. Chem. C20141182714795-14804
5 Devarapalli, RR; Debgupta, J; Pillai, VK; Shelke, C@SiNW/TiO2 Core-Shell Nanoarrays with Sandwiched Sci Rep20144  
6 Shinde, DB; Majumder, M; Pillai, VKCounter-ion Dependent, Longitudinal Unzipping of MSci Rep20144  
7 Shinde, DB; Pillai, VKElectrochemical Resolution of Multiple Redox EventAngew. Chem.-Int. Edit.20135292482-2485
8 Kalita, H; Harikrishnan, V; Shinde, DB; Pillai, VKHysteresis and charge trapping in graphene quantumAppl. Phys. Lett.201310214 
9 Munaiah, Y; Dheenadayalan, S; Ragupathy, P; PillaiHigh Performance Carbon Nanotube Based Electrodes ECS J. Solid State Sci. Technol.2013210M3182-M3186
10 Biswal, BP; Shinde, DB; Pillai, VK; Banerjee, RStabilization of graphene quantum dots (GQDs) by eNanoscale201352110556-10561
11 Debgupta, J; Pillai, VKThiolated graphene - a new platform for anchoring Nanoscale2013593615-3619
12 Unni, SM; Pillai, VK; Kurungot, S3-Dimensionally self-assembled single crystalline RSC Adv.20133196913-6921
13 Debgupta-J, Shinde-DB, Vijayamohanan Pillai-KIn situ electrochemical organization of CdSe nanoclusters on graphene during unzipping of carbon nanotubesChemical Communications201248 3088-3090
14 Sathe-BR, Balan-BK, Vijayamohanan Pillai-KEnhanced electrocatalytic performance of interconnected Rh nano-chains towards formic acid oxidationEnergy Environ. Sci.20114 1029-1036
15 Shinde-BD, Debgupta-J, Kushwaha-A, Aslam-M, Vijayamohanan Pillai-KElectrochemical Unzipping of Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes for Facile Synthesis of High-Quality Graphene NanoribbonsJ. Am. Chem. Soc.2011133 4168-4171
16 Prasad Belavalli-E, Vishnu Kamath-P, Vijayamohanan Pillai-KAnion exchange reaction potentials as approximate estimates of the relative thermodynamic stabilities of Mg/Al layered double hydroxides containing different anions Langmuir201127 13539-13543
17 Kannan-R, Bipinlal-U, Kurungot-S, Vijayamohanan Pillai-KEnhanced electrocatalytic performance of functionalized carbon nanotube electrodes for oxygen reduction in proton exchange membrane fuel cellsPhys. Chem. Chem. Phys.201113 10312-10317
18 Debgupta-J, Kakade-BA, Vijayamohanan Pillai-KCompetitive wetting of acetonitrile and dichloromethane in comparison to that of water on functionalized carbon nanotube surfacesPhys. Chem. Chem. Phys.201113 14668-14674