S. No.AuthorsTitleJournal NameYearVolumeIssuePage No.
1 Angulakshmi-N, Prem Kumar-T, Thomas-S, Manuel Stephan-A Ionic conductivity and interfacial properties of nanochitin-incorporated polyethylene oxide-LiN(C2F5SO2)(2) polymer electrolytes Electrochim. Acta20105541401-1406
2 Prem Kumar-T, Sri Devi Kumari-T, Manuel Stephan-ACarbonaceous anode materials for lithium-ion batteries-the road aheadJ. IISc.2009894393-424
3 Manuel Stephan-A, Prem Kumar-T, Anbu Kulandainathan-M, Angu Lakshmi-NChitin-Incorporated Poly(ethylene oxide)-Based Nanocomposite Electrolytes for Lithium Batteries J. Phys. Chem. B200911371963-1971
4 Jisha-MR, Hwang-YJ, Shin-JS, Nahm-KS, Prem Kumar-T, Karthikeyan-K, Dhanikaivelu-N, Kalpana-D, Renganathan-NG, Manuel Stephan-AElectrochemical characterization of supercapacitors based on carbons derived from coffee shellsMater. Chem. Phys.2009115133-39
5 Christy-AYMT, Nahm-KS, Hwang-YJ, Suh-EK, Anbu Kulandainathan-M, Premkumar-T, Manuel Stephan-ALithium insertion studies on boron-doped diamond as a possible anode material for lithium batteriesIonics2008142157-161
6 Sathishkumar-M, Vijayaraghavan-K, Binupriya-AR, Manuel Stephan-A, Choi-JG, Yun-SE Porogen effect on characteristics of banana pith carbon and the sorption of dichlorophenolsJ. Colloid Interface Sci.2008320122-29
7 Hwang-YJ, Nahm-KS, Premkumar-T, Manuel Stephan-APoly(vinylidene fluoride-hexafluoropropylene)-based membranes for lithium batteriesJ. Membr. Sci. 20083101-2349-355
8 Jeong-SK, Shin-JS, Nahm-KS, Prem Kumar-T, Manuel Stephan-AElectrochemical studies on cathode blends of LiMn2O4 and Li[Li1/15Ni1/5Co2/5Mn1/3O2]Mater. Chem. Phys.20081112-3213-217