Professional Recognition(s)
Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC)
JSPS Invited Researcher @ University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki (May 2022-March 2023)
Proposal Reviewer for various International and National Funding Agencies
Conference Session Chair
· 25th Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference held at Embassy Suites, Miami, FL, USA
Editorial Board
Journal of Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Biosensors and Bioelectronics X
International Advisory Board
Materials Research Express
Recognition as Recurring Reviewer/Adjudicator
Reviewed over 2000 research articles, reviewers, mini-reviews and topical reviews for over 75 journals
American Chemical Society: Analytical Chemistry, JPC A, JPC B, JPC C, JPC Letters, Applied Materials and Interfaces
Royal Society of Chemistry: Chem.Comm, Nanoscale, JMC A, JMC B, JMC C, Lab-on-a-chip, PCCP, New Journal of Chemistry, Dalton Transactions, RSC Advances
Wiley: Angew. Chem, Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, Advanced Energy Materials, Electronalysis
Elsevier: Biosensors & Bioelectronics, Carbon, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, Sensors and Actuators B (Chemical), Electrochemical Acta
Institute of Physics: Nanotechnology, Materials Research Express
Electrochemical Society: Journal of the Electrochemical Society, ECS Solid State Letters, ECS Transactions
Springer: Scientific Reports
Recognition as Recurring Reviewer for the Following Conference
(1) MRS Meetings (2) NanoFlorida (3) BBMEC
Outstanding Reviewer Award: Received From Institute of Physics for Outstanding Review service rendered to Nanotechnology and Materials Research Express in the year 2017