
Noteworthy Contributions

Nanotechnology has been developed and vigorously researched over more than a decade and is reaching maturity such that the scientific community understands its importance and impact.  For example, a single nanoparticle can act as a transistor that is 10 times smaller than a silicon transistor and can operate on a single electron.  Bottom up approaches to make one dimensional nanoscale structures for nanoelectronics are of great interest in translating from device-level to circuit-level. In particular, the shape controlled synthesis of composite nanoclusters is expected to provide novel materials with unique optical properties. The incorporation of nanoparticles into polymeric materials, biomolecules and the ordering of individual nanoparticles into extended periodic arrangements are important steps in exploiting their properties. I invented a process of using microwave (MW) radiation to precisely control the reaction kinetic to make a plethora of nanoparticle size and shapes. For example, we succeeded in making nanocubes and nanowires in using a 2 mins. procedure incredibly quick than compared to a 2 day long process as recently reported in the literature. This significant discovery is an avenue towards performing a series of cascaded reactions separated in space.  During my post doc in USA,  we have deposited pre-synthesized nanoparticles on isolated flexible polymer chains to observe single electron phenomena. We also demonstrated synthesizing electrically conductive semiconductor (CdS) nanowires on DNA scaffolds for making complex single electron devices and Schottky nanodevice. This work highlighted in ‘Discovery News’, ‘science news daily’,  and others all over world. The selective interaction of nanoparticles with biological systems ranging from biomolecules to biological cells is of importance for a range of applications, such as, high-resolution biomedical imaging, gene sequencing for molecular diagnostics, and sensitive electronic devices. Summarizing, last more than ten years, we are able to prepare variety of nanomaterials, controlling their size, shapes and applying them in wide different fields like catalysis, technological, biological, and device purposes that might definitely help in the development of science now and in near future.