
Dr. B. Subramanian                                                                              

Senior Principal Scientist & Head

Professor (AcSIR)                                                                                    

Electroplating and Metal Finishing Division

CSIR- Central Electrochemical Research Institute

Karaikudi - 630 003, Tamilnadu, India

Phone No.: 09443465544  / 04565 241538

Fax           : 91-4565-227713

E-mail: /

Educational Qualifications : M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.,

Professional Experience    : Scientist at CSIR- CECRI, Karaikudi since 04-02-2002

Research Interest: 

Current research interests include Bio- Surface Engineering of implantable substrates for artificial organs with hard coatings, oxide reinforced ceramics and thin film metallic glasses using physical vapor deposition processes like sputtering, electron beam evaporation and pulsed laser deposition. Also involved in the preparation and characterization of semiconducting thin film electrodes for solar cells.

 Recognition :

  • *Awarded Senior Research Fellowship by CSIR, New Delhi for the year 1996
  • *Awarded Young Scientists Fellowship for the year 1996 – 97 (TNSCST, Chennai)
  • *Availed Bilateral Exchange Program for the year 2010-11 at Osaka University, Japan.
  • *Recipient of BRAINPOOL Fellowship, South Korea for the year of 2010
  • *Availed FY 2011 JSPS Long term Invitation Fellowship at Osaka University, Japan.

          *Awarded as Fellow of the Academy of Sciences, Chennai for the year 2014. 

          *Availed Raman Research Fellowship (CSIR) at CSIRO, Sydney, Australia 2015.

          * Visited Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan thrice during 2016-18 

              (Indo Japan Joint project) as Principal Investigator 

         Click here -Research activities.pdf    

       Video on thin film deposition facilities in my group at CECRI