Dr. N.Rajasekaran
Senior Scientist, EMF Division
CSIR - Central Electrochemical Research Institute,
Karaikudi 630003, Tamil Nadu, India
Contact: 04565-241-294 (Office)
+91-9952059590 (Mobile)
Email: rajastc84@gmail.com, rajasekarann@cecri.res.in
· Ph.D. Chemistry, CSIR-Central Electrochemical research Institute, Karaikudi
· M. Sc. Chemistry, Thiagarajar College, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai.
· B.Sc, Chemistry, Saraswathi Narayanan Collage, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai.
Professional Experience
· Senior Scientist, CSIR-CECRI, Karaikudi (Since June 2021)
Scientist, CSIR-CECRI, Karaikudi (June 2017 to June 2021)
· Scientist and Lab Manager, Atotech Development Centre, Bangalore (July 2015 to May 2017)
· Consulting Scientist, Cookson India Pvt Ltd, Enthone Division, Chennai ( Jan 2015 to July 2015)
· Manager (Technical) Kongovi Electronics Pvt Ltd, Bangalore (April 2014 to Dec 2014)
· Project Leader Electrochemistry Group, Asraya Technologies Pvt Ltd, Bangalore (Oct 2013 to March 2014)
Research Interest:
Electrochemistry and Materials chemistry:
· Electrodeposition of metals, alloys, multilayers and nano-wires
· Magnetic materials and its applications. Giant Magneto-resistance, magneto-impedance and shape memory alloys.
· Eco friendly electrolytes for plating industries. Like Cyanide free, Boric acid free, hexa-valant free chrome etc.
· Materials for energy devices such as batteries, fuel cells, super capacitors and solar cells.
· Materials for corrosion resistance coatings.
· Electrodeposition on plastic (non-conducting) substrate and Electroless deposition.
Selected publications:
1. 1. Pulse electrodeposition of nano-crystalline Ni-W alloy and the influence of tungsten composition on structure, microhardness and corrosion properties. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 866 (2021) 158987
2. Structure, microstructure and electrodeposition behaviours of aluminium from AlCl3-EMIC and AlCl3-BMIC ionic liquid electrolytes – a comparative Study ‘Surface engineering’ 36 (2020) 1012-1021
3. Pulse and Pulse reverse electrodeposition of cubic, tetragonal, and its mixed phase of Ni-W alloys for corrosion applications. applications Journal of the Electrochemical Society 166 (2019) D145-D150
4. Giant magnetoresistance and structure of electrodeposited Co/Cu multilayers: the influence of layer thicknesses and Cu deposition potential. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 162 (6) (2015) D204 – D212
5. Structure and Giant magnetoresistance of electrodeposited Co/Cu multilayers prepared by two-pulse (G/P) and three-pulse (G/P/G) plating. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 161 (2014) D339-D348
6. Patterning in Co-Cu electrodeposits (Ampere map!), magnetic clusters probed using ferromagnetic resonance. Journal of the Electrochemical Society 161 (2014) D214-D218
7. Giant magnetoresistance in electrodeposited films - Current status and the influence of parameters. Critical reviews in solid state and materials science’. 37 (2012) 158-180
8. Giant magnetoresistance (GMR) and ferromagnetic properties of DC and pulse electrodeposited Co-Cu alloy. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 324 (2012) 2983-2988.
9. Preparation, corrosion and structural properties of Cu-Ni multilayer from sulphate/citrate bath. Corrosion science. 51 (2009) 2139-2143