Dr. M.G.Neelavannan
Designation: Sr. Technical Officer(3)
Ph.D (Bharathidasan University)
M.S (BITS, Pilani)
B.E (Madurai Kamaraj University)
Dip in. Industrial Safety
P.G. Dip.in Personnel Management and Industrial Relations.
Contact Details:
Electroplating & Metal Finishing Division, CSIR-CECRI, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu- 630003
Phone: +91 4565 241 339 (Off), 9942545413 (Mobile)
E-mail: mgneelus@cecri.res.in; mgneelus@gmail.com
Research Interest:
Design and Development of Photo Catalytic and Electrochemical Reactors for waste water treatment
(i) M.G. Neelavannan, M. Revathi and C. Ahmed Basha, Photocatalytic and electrochemical combined treatment of textile wash water, J. HAZARD. MATER.149 (2007) 371–378.
(ii) M.G. Neelavannan and C. Ahmed Basha, Electrochemical assisted photocatalytic treatment of textile wash water, communicated to SEP. PURIF. TECHNOL. 61 (2008) 168–174.
(iii) M. G. Neelavannan and C. Ahmed Basha. Ag - TiO2 doped photo catalytic degradation of Procion blue H-B dye in textile washwater. TOXICOL ENVIRON CHEM 92, (2010), 1423–1434.
(iv) M. G. Neelavannan and C. Ahmed Basha, Photocatalytic degradation of Procion blue H-B dye in textile washwater using thin film cylindrical photo reactor. ENVIRON TECHNOL 32 (2011) 825–835.